*Website Update* – V5.0.7

New – We have introduced a new secondary menu in the sidebar below the coloured tiles (above opening times and useful links). This is mainly for the practices who wish to score ‘well’ on the new NHS Website Benchmarking and Improvement Tool by having 7 or fewer menu items on the primary menu, and therefore need a secondary location for the rest of the page links on the website.

Amendment – Default site colour is now NHS Blue (Hex #005EB8)

Amendment – Scrolling ticker has been hidden for mobile devices.

Amendment – We have removed the function which forces the anti-spam honeypot feature to be enabled on all contact forms, our primary anti-spam measure is provided by CleanTalk.

Amendment – Top bar (colour strip) has been removed.

Fix – We have changed the word ‘until’ to ‘to’ in the opening times table which is recommended in the new NHS Website Benchmarking and Improvement Tool

Fix – Feature Tiles now display on the ‘Full Width Template’ when they’re set to ‘top of the page’ and display on all pages.

Fix – When the footer background colour is set to white, a black version of the SurgeryWeb logo will display.

Fix – We have localised the address field in the form builder by relabelling zip code to postcode.

Coming next: We will be introducing a few more elements from the NHS Design Manual such as a re-styled search field and breadcrumbs on the inner pages. We’ll also look to restyle the online forms to match NHS Design standards.

© SurgeryWeb.org.uk 2023, subsidiary of AlphaWebServices.net
